The Homesteading Mom

Where a Busy family life and Homesteading combined.

About me

About me.

My Name Is Brooklyn Thompson. I am a stay-at-home mom to 2 young boys. (Can you Imagin how crazy they are at home all day together.) I love to homestead and make as many things homemade as I can. It helps make our non-oil diet a little easier to manage. I have always had a struggle figuring out the perfect schedule for everything that needed to be done in the day. As i am just starting to figure it out i decided to start a blog to take you along with me. Show you the tips and Tricks that have worked for me, the things that may have to worked and bring you on our exciting journey. Through my blog I hope to share with you all my insights on becoming a stay at home/ homesteading mom. Share with you tips and tricks to our non-toxic diet. Becoming more self-loving and much more!

Let’s Be friends